The Importance of Fathers’ Rights

Regrettably, in many cases, fathers are often considered secondary to mothers when it comes to raising their children. This is not always true, as everybody parents their children in different ways. There are bad fathers and bad mothers alike, just as there are good fathers and mothers too. Still, mothers are often seen as the primary caregivers, while fathers are seen as optional. This mindset can make it difficult for fathers to win a custody battle. A Topeka, KS, divorce lawyer can help you. Fathers’ Rights in Kansas When it comes to parental rights in Kansas, mothers and fathers are


Getting an Uncontested Divorce in Kansas

Nobody expects to get divorced. Ultimately, it can be an emotionally devastating situation to find yourself in. The entire divorce process can be a tough life change to deal with, and it may be a wise idea to bring an experienced Topeka, KS, divorce lawyer into your situation to try and make things go as smoothly as they possibly can. You could have the ideal divorce scenario, in which you and your partner are able to discuss things amicably and end on good terms — an uncontested divorce. What Is an Uncontested Divorce? Generally, an uncontested divorce is what every


The Emotional Toll of a Contested Divorce

If you have decided that divorce is the only course of action left to you, there is a good chance you have already exhausted multiple attempts to fix things, such as marriage counseling or a trial separation. Things get even messier when the divorce is contested, which happens when spouses disagree on aspects of the divorce. A Kansas divorce lawyer can assist you in making a plan for your contested divorce. What Is a Contested Divorce? A contested divorce is effectively the worst-case scenario for a divorce. In this situation, both partners are unable to work things out amongst themselves.


Navigating the Holidays After a Topeka Divorce With Kids

Holidays are exciting for kids, but a recent divorce can make the season more difficult for children and parents. Parents have additional stressors to deal with, including new custody arrangements and, often, new financial and emotional strain. Navigating the holidays requires a clear parenting plan to mitigate the stress and help parents and kids have a smoother holiday season. A Topeka child custody attorney can help parents negotiate and plan for the holidays. Even if you have a clear plan and are on good terms with your ex-spouse, the holidays can be less than joyful after such a significant change.


What Questions Do You Want to Ask a Topeka Family Lawyer?

A family law case is often a stressful and personal situation. The outcome can permanently alter your family structure, your financial circumstances, and other parts of your life. Because of the sensitivity of these cases, you must secure legal support from the right Topeka, Kansas family attorney. Whether you are in a case for divorce, child custody and support, court order modification, paternity determinations, or other family law cases, you need to find a skilled, dedicated, and compassionate family law attorney. There are many things you should look at before speaking with an attorney, including experience and reputation. When you


Why Should You Update Your Estate Plan?

Creating an estate plan is not a one-time event. There are many benefits to having an estate plan, but they only continue to help you if the estate plan is legally valid and represents your current wishes. There are several benefits to a regular review of an estate plan. An estate planning attorney in Topeka can help you review your documents. There are several changes in your life that should trigger an update in an estate plan. This includes life events and financial changes like: Marriage and remarriage. Divorce. Births, adoptions, and deaths in the family. Moving states. Significant asset