Property division basics in Kansas

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in property division on Friday, May 31, 2019. Property division is an important part of any divorce and can also be a challenging part of a divorce. It is important for divorcing Kansas couples to understand property division basics for when they divorce. Kansas follows equitable property division rules during divorce. This means that the family law court in Kansas will seek to divide property between the divorcing spouses as fairly as possible. While this provides flexibility, it can also result in uncertainty if the divorcing couple does not know what to


What is an uncontested divorce?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in support on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Because of how significant divorce is in the lives of Missouri divorcing spouses, it is important for them to be familiar with the different divorce options available to them. An uncontested divorce can save the divorcing couples time, money and acrimony and can be an option to consider in certain circumstances. An uncontested divorce can be a divorce option to consider when the divorcing spouse do not have any remaining disagreements between them concerning divorce-related issues and have agreed to those issues between themselves. Divorce-related


Navigating a high asset divorce with family law help

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in support on Friday, May 3, 2019. High asset divorces can include a number of challenges that are in additional to the usual challenges associated with divorce. The family law process is designed to help divorcing couples resolve their divorce-related concerns as smoothly as possible and help them resolve the challenges associated with their unique divorce situation. When property is divided during a divorce in Missouri, Kansas and Illinois, the goal is to reach an equitable division of property. In circumstances of a high asset divorce there can be many complexities that


What can be done to enforce a child support order?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in support on Thursday, April 18, 2019. Children have the right to be supported by both of their parents. Whether you are paying child support or collecting it, you may have questions about the enforcement process and what you can do to address your concerns. Various methods can be used to ensure that a parent pays the child support they owe. Child support enforcement measures can include withholding income; intercepting state and federal tax returns; credit reporting of past due and unpaid child support; filing liens on the personal or real property


Modifying child custody or other divorce-related concerns

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Thursday, April 4, 2019. Changes to a child custody order may sometimes be needed. This blog recently looked at how child custody is determined in Missouri but another important topic for many parents is how a child custody order may be changed. Post-divorce modifications may be needed related to child custody, child visitation, child support and alimony. Because of how significant these issues are in the lives of divorced parents, it is helpful to at least understand when a modification may be possible. In general, it may be


How is child custody determined in Missouri?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Thursday, March 21, 2019. This blog recently discussed more generally how child custody decisions are made but Kansas parents may have questions so it is helpful to understand how child custody decisions are made in Missouri and this blog takes a closer look at what that means in Missouri. Knowing what child custody is based on, and how it is determined, can help calm some common anxieties divorcing couples may have associated with the child custody process. Child custody decisions are generally guided by what is in the