How to Handle Relocation With a Custody Order in Topeka, KS

If a divorced parent wants to relocate with their child after divorce in Topeka, KS, state law requires that both parents must agree to the move. If the other parent objects, the two divorced parents must go to court to determine whether the move suits the child’s best interests or if the move would infringe upon either parent’s rights under their custody agreement. Relocation is a sensitive issue for divorced parents. For the relocating parent, the move could feel like an opportunity for a fresh start and the chance to provide their kids with a better life. For the non-relocating


Ten Tips for Creating Your Prenuptial Contract in Topeka, KS

Do you have financial concerns about your upcoming marriage? Perhaps you have financial obligations to children from a previous marriage, extensive personal assets, or complex investments and are unsure how your impending marriage will influence these factors. If you are concerned about your future finances prior to your marriage in Topeka, KS, a prenuptial agreement may offer the peace of mind and financial security you need to approach your marriage with greater confidence. Unfortunately, prenuptial contracts have a bad reputation throughout the US as many people assume that asking for a prenuptial contract signifies a lack of faith in the


How Does Equitable Distribution Work in a Topeka, KS Divorce?

Divorce is more than just the legal ending of a marriage. It also entails the process of dividing marital property and legally transferring ownership of a divorcing couple’s shared property to the individual ownership of each of the spouses. In fact, property division can be one of the most challenging parts of any divorce. Every state in the US upholds different laws pertaining to property division, and Kansas follows an equitable distribution statute. If you plan to end your marriage in Topeka, KS, you should begin developing an understanding of the process of equitable distribution. Should you and your spouse


Pros and Cons of Topeka, KS Divorce Mediation

Over the past several years, divorce mediation has become the preferred method for handling the dissolution of a marriage in the US for numerous reasons. However, one reason stands out above the rest and is the primary reason many divorcing couples choose mediation. Divorce mediation, or alternative dispute resolution, offers the opportunity to avoid the typical expense and stress of the litigation process of divorce. When a divorce case proceeds to trial, it may take months or years before it reaches any firm conclusions, all the while both parties will pay expensive legal fees. Mediation, by contrast, usually results in


How Does Equitable Distribution Work in a Topeka, KS Divorce?

Every state in the country upholds different laws when it comes to property division in divorce. A major part of the divorce process is the legal transfer of ownership rights from a couple’s shared marital property to two single individuals’ separate ownership in fair measure. The state of Kansas upholds an equitable distribution law, which is very different from community property laws seen in California, Nevada, and several other US states. While community property laws require a completely equal division of property in divorce, equitable distribution laws work differently. The court strives for fairness and an equitable, though not necessarily


Telltale Signs to Brace for Divorce in Topeka, KS

Facing a divorce is rarely easy, and it is not uncommon for people in deteriorating marriages to fail to notice the signs that they may be heading for divorce. When you decide to end your marriage, or when your spouse decides they no longer wish to be married to you, the decision entails many legal processes and long-term consequences, often affecting a divorced person’s life for years to come. It is essential to recognize not only the signs that you should expect to divorce soon but also the first steps you should take once the idea of an impending divorce