What Makes a Topeka Divorce Take Longer?

No divorce is easy to go through, and many couples want to make the process as fast as possible to limit the emotional, mental, and financial strain on themselves and their family. Unfortunately, there’s no way to guarantee a fast divorce process. However, several factors can generally result in a shorter divorce process. One of these is the help of an experienced Topeka divorce attorney, who can protect your rights while also making the process more efficient. Every divorce is unique, and many factors can affect how long it takes. However, there are specific issues that commonly lengthen the process


What Is a No-Contest Clause in Kansas?

An estate plan provides several benefits, with one of the main goals being the distribution of an estate after death. When you create a comprehensive estate plan, you can distribute your assets to the individuals and parties you wish. You can also place someone you trust in charge of this distribution. However, if the will or trust you create is contested successfully, your assets will not be distributed according to your wishes. A Topeka estate planning attorney can help you determine how to prevent successful contests. The Effects of Will Contests Unfortunately, even unsuccessful contests have damaging effects. This can


Dividing a Business in a Divorce

A divorce is especially complicated when there is a business involved. In order to effectively protect your financial and business interests, it is important to find a Topeka divorce attorney who understands complex and high-value asset division in a divorce. Marital Property in Wichita In Kansas, the law only distinguishes between a couple’s marital and separate property during their marriage. Once they file for divorce, all their property is considered marital property. This includes property obtained before they were married and property only titled under one spouse’s name. All property could be divided in divorce. Although it is common for


What Makes a Parent Unfit for Custody?

Child custody cases are complicated and emotionally straining. If you believe that your children are unsafe with or not properly cared for by your co-parent, you will have significant concerns about how the case turns out. You need an experienced Topeka child custody attorney to help you review your situation and determine whether your co-parent can be deemed unfit for custody. How Does a Topeka Family Court Decide That a Parent Is Unfit? When the court determines or approves a custody arrangement, its goal is to protect the child’s interests above all else. In Kansas, the court prefers joint custody


What Can I Do If My Spouse Is Hiding Assets During Divorce?

Spouses disclose their assets, debts, income, and other financial information during divorce. This ensures that their attorneys have all the necessary information to negotiate a fair division of marital property, or it provides the court with the information to equitably distribute property. When a spouse hides assets, this can severely impact the division of property. A Topeka divorce attorney is an essential ally if you suspect your spouse of hiding assets. Divorces are complex and very financially straining for both parties. Spouses may hide separate or marital assets due to financial concerns, to spite their spouse, or to keep certain


Top Topeka Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

An estate plan helps protect you, your loved ones, and your estate, but it can only do so if it is legally enforceable and clearly implemented. Mistakes or misunderstood legal issues can result in months of disputes between your loved ones. It could even result in a comprehensive estate plan being unenforceable. When you work with a highly experienced Topeka estate planning attorney, you can better understand the requirements of your estate plan and create one that meets your needs. There are several common errors that individuals make when creating their estate plans. An attorney can help you avoid these